Black and white headshot of Melanie A. Sousa


Melanie A. Sousa


Melanie joined Evans, Philp in 2017 as a summer student. She went on to article with the firm before passing the bar and joining as an associate in 2019, and becoming a partner in 2025. She specializes her insurance defence pracatice in the area of Accident Benefits claims.

She received her JD from Western University in 2018. Before attending law school, she obtained her B.A. in Philosophy from Wilfrid Laurier University.

Melanie is a proud Hamiltonian and a member of the Hamilton Law Association and Canadian Defence Lawyers.


Recent decisions

Aviva General Insurance v Modi, 2023 ONLAT 20-008083/AABS

Reynolds-Gosling v Aviva General Insurance, 2023 ONLAT 22-006840/AABS

Spence v Aviva General Insurance Company, 2024 ONLAT 21-014660/AABS


Click here to contact Melanie’s assistant, Shannon Girling.

Telephone 905-525-1200 | Fax 905-525-7897

Commerce Place
1 King Street West, 16th Floor
Hamilton, Ontario
L8P 1A4

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